In 1977 Flexco Products began in a tiny building on Rowe Street in Elkhart, Indiana. The business was started by owner and visionary Tom Jellison with the purpose of becoming a distributor of flexible tubing and sheet metal parts. Within a year Flexco was thriving and growing so rapidly that it began expanding into a new building. Tom’s drive, vision and business savvy soon led to more fabricated parts being manufactured directly at Flexco to supply a host of local manufacturers.
Rapid success and growth for Flexco Products led to a number of expansions to the new facility on Bryant Street. Approximately 10,000 square feet were added to the facility each year in order to keep up with Flexco’s growing production needs. Years of steady and directed growth have resulted in over 500,000 square feet of production space. This space is home to state-of-the-art equipment and automation rivaling the most advanced manufacturing corporations in the world. Embracing both vertical and horizontal growth Flexco is now able to control all aspects of product development, distribution, and innovation.